Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dear Friends,

I would like to take this opportunity to inform our readers about : What is the meaning of 786?We have often heard and seen that ‘ 786 ’ is used by muslims all over the world. It is taken to be a lucky mascot.
Some associate it with the movie ‘coolie’, where amitabh bachchan wore a 786 badge.

But there are rarely few who know what 786 really means.

The roots of this number lie in the ancient Indian heritage. In India, there has been a mathematician named, Aryabhatta.
Aryabhatta, was not only a mathematician but also a numerologist. He concluded that every alphabet, whether a vowel or a consonant, has a phonetic value which can be expressed in numerical terms.
He, therefore, calculated the numerical values of the alphabets in Sanaskrit, Persian and Hindi.

Substitue the values assigned by him in ‘Bismillahir Rahman urRahim’ and what do you get obviously ,786. This is the Numerological reason behind the lucky number 786. So every time one writes 786, one means ‘Bismillah….’ Which means “I begin my work in the name of god. May god help me.”

It might be surprising to you that NUMEROLOGY IS AN ANCIENT INDIAN SCIENCE which originated around 4000years back in India.

So now tell me why do all saints add 108 as a prefix in their name ?
Why do we have 108 beads in a maala ?

Hope this is informative for all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a nice one ... u cld have also told wat's the story behind 108 ...